Set Your Metabolism Into Overdrive!!
The secret to a healthy metabolism has never tasted so sweet! These delicious candy apple flavored gummies are nutritionist-formulated to help boost your metabolism, improve digestive health, and rev energy production. Each tasty bite helps keep you in control of food cravings, while supporting your metabolic hormones, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels (insulin) and boosting natural energy. The best part is these gummies contain Apple Cider Vinegar with the “mother” (strands of protein packed with gut-friendly probiotics) so you can get all the health benefits of ACV without the harsh, unpleasant taste of liquid vinegar. Each sweet bite is infused with a powerful blend of organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Vitamin B12, Pomegranate, Beet Juice and Folate that helps reduce sugar cravings, supports a healthy metabolism, revs energy and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.*
Vegan, All Natural, GMO Free, Organic, Gluten Free, Nutritionist Formulated & Recommended for Healthy Metabolism, Balanced Blood Sugar Levels, Increased Energy and Digestive Health